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How to update Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04

The most awaiting OS has recent launch by Ubuntu 20.04. In this version Ubuntu has introduced some new feature  there are dark mode, folder icon and else these some feature are introduced by Ubuntu 20.04

In this blog, I am showing you how to upgrade your ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 without losing your data simply just follow these setup:-

Step 1- Check all update if in your system have any available update or not

Step 2 - check if your System has any update first update your system than if your system has up to date then you need to update your system forcefully

Step 3- Open Terminal simple enter these command update-manager -d

 Step 4- After entering the command you have seen one pop window in that you have simply click on the upgrade button

Step 5 - Simply enter your password and select upgrade

Step 6-there are one another pop window this window show total download size and your system current speed and how much time your system will take to download this file in this file you need simply click on the upgrade button

Step 7- Restart Your System enjoy

Video Tutorial


Ubuntu 20.0 ISO - Download

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